Geyser Tips That Slash Your Bills 60%

An average geyser, often the silent energy consumer in your home, can contribute to 40-60% of your electricity bill.
Most geysers use around 2000 to 4000 watts of power, quietly adding to your energy costs.

Looking to lower your costs? Consider installing a geyser timer.

A geyser timer can help you save 30-40% on your energy costs by limiting how long your geyser stays on. For example, if your family of five showers between 6 and 7 a.m., you only need the geyser on from 5 to 7 a.m. each day. By setting it to run just two hours continuously, you can enjoy hot water while cutting down on unnecessary energy use. For the average household, this could save between R500 and R1000 each month.

Heat your water using renewable energy.

Solar hot water geysers are an efficient way to heat water, providing significant savings for an average household, depending on climate and usage.

These systems can reduce energy usage by 40-70% compared to standard models, resulting in lower energy bills and a smaller carbon footprint.

Team Dorman has joined forces with Apex to deliver effective hot water solutions.

Team Dorman have partnered with APEX to bring you this fantastic water heating solution – Head on over to your local Brights to find out more about the Apex Solar Geyser.

Why Apex ?

  • Intelligent Heating:Utilizes solar energy to heat water in standard electric geysers.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Offers updates on status and performance via a user-friendly web app.
  • Energy Efficiency: Minimizes grid power usage by prioritizing solar energy for maximum savings.
  • City Approval:First and only system of its kind approved by the City of Cape Town for installation.

Use The Following Discount Code (DE-SGS-100) To Get 5% OFF Your Apex!

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